January 19, 2023 • 11:30AM
Chevy Chase Country Club
3067 E. Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale
Contact Information:
Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce
(818) 248-4957
Honoring Outgoing Officers and Directors
Welcoming Incoming 2023 Officers and Directors
Welcoming Incoming 2023 Officers and Directors
The luncheon will feature the distribution of the
Mary Pinola & Crescenta Valley Chamber Education Fund Grants
Mary Pinola & Crescenta Valley Chamber Education Fund Grants

Since 1925, the chamber has held an Installation Banquet to install new officers and directors and honor its outgoing officers and directors. In addition, the luncheon serves as a backdrop for awarding grants from the Mary Pinola/Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce Education Fund. The Installation Luncheon is held in January of each year.